How to Organize a Record Change Clinic

As you know, Proposition 47 brought an unprecedented opportunity to Californians: the law changed six nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors – and it allows anyone in the state that has one of these felonies on their old criminal records to remove the felony and the barriers it presents.
In California, there are more than 4,000 legal restrictions on people with felony convictions, restrictions that prevent employment, housing, and more. Proposition 47 gives hundreds of thousands of Californians a chance at stability and dignity.
But the only way for Californians to find out if they are eligible and get relief under Proposition 47 is to know about the law change and get help completing the paperwork. That’s where you come in!
While thousands of people have taken the first step to remove nonviolent felonies from their records, there are still many more eligible people in California that can benefit from Proposition 47, and other clean slate remedies.
Many groups are holding record change events around the state and there is a HUGE need for more organizations to join in the effort. Our Toolkit provides tools to help you or your organization plan and organize a record change clinic including templates, resources, and information on Proposition 47 and other clean slate remedies.
Please share the toolkit with individuals and organizations that are interested in helping individuals rebuild their lives, break the cycle of poverty, and open doors to gainful employment, educational opportunities, stable housing, and other reentry services. Click here for a video on how Proposition 47 is changing lives.
For more information: